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Strawberry Mansion Community Development Hosts Monthly Meetings on Zoom


The SMCDC has two important meetings that they host each month: Call to Action and SMCDC Monthly RCO meeting.

  • Call to Action is a meeting held in the format of a Community Forum. The meeting is held every (2nd) Thursday of the month. The SMCDC has a presenter that comes from city, state or governmental agencies. Dignitaries also present to the community. The SMCDC/NAC also uses the forum to report any updates. The meeting is also space in which residents can report any information they want the community to know concerning their neighborhoods or block. You are invited to join us on the enclosed zoom link to give your input as it relates to your community. Call to Action Meeting: Strawberry Mansion CDC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Call to Action (Zoom link)

  • SMCDC Monthly RCO Meeting is a meeting held every (4th) Thursday of the month on zoom. Developers come to the SMCDC with a case seeking variances or changes to a property or even building new construction. The cases are assigned to a Registered Community Organization within Strawberry Mansion. The SMCDC and the SMNAC are registered RCO's and host these meetings to have a transparent process and give the community a voice on what's being built in their communities.

For more information on these important monthly meetings, contact Tyrone Williams, SMCDC Program Manager, at (215) 626-7771.

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